Amazing Singing Talent

Forget overnight internet singing sensation Susan Boyle, whose looks were transformed into this Harry Potter-ish Professor image from her Mad Scientist look. There's also 12 year old, Shaheen Jafargholi whose rendition of a Michael Jackson song had stopped Ms. Boyle's prowness. Now Holly Steel has stolen the limelight for fame.

Watch her audition below:

Amazing Blindfolded Rubik's Cube Solver

This guy solved the Rubik's Cube blindfolded and silenced the crowd in a variety show.He had to memorize the position of the colors before he did this amazing feat.

Funny Japanese Skit

Watch this interesting and funny Japanese skit called "Why Is My Girlfriend Mad?"

Frozen People In New York's Grand Central Station

Amazing Prank stuns people at New York's Grand Central Train Station. 200 people participated in this "Frozen People" act sponsored by Improv Everywhere.

Microsoft Job Applicant

Bill Gates organized an enormous session to recruit a new Chairman for Microsoft Europe.

Exactly 5,000 candidates assembled in a large room.

One candidate is MARIO DIMACULANGAN.
Bill Gates: Thank you for coming. Those who do not know JAVA may leave.
2,000 people leave the room.

MARIO says to himself, ‘I do not know JAVA but I have nothing to lose if
I stay. I’ll give it a try’

Bill Gates: Candidates who never had experience in managing more than 100
people may leave. 2,000 people leave the room.

MARIO says to himself ‘ I never managed anybody but myself, but I have
nothing to lose if I stay. What can happen to me?’ So he stays.

Bill Gates: Candidates who do not have management diplomas may leave. 500
people leave the room.

MARIO says to himself, ‘I left high school at 15 but what have I got to
lose?’ So he stays in the room.

Lastly, Bill Gates asked the candidates who do not speak Serbo - Croat to
leave. 498 people leave the room.

MARIO says to himself, ‘ I do not speak one word of Serbo - Croat but
what do I have to lose?’ So he stays and finds himself with one other

Everyone else has gone.

Bill Gates joined them and said ‘Apparently you are the only two
candidates who speak Serbo - Croat, so I’d now like to hear you have a
conversation together in that language.’

Calmly, Mario turns to the other candidate and says `Ano ba yan, dong?’ (What is that, man?)

The other candidate answers ‘Ewan ko nga, pare.’ (I don’t know, buddy.)

Wrong Grammar

B0y:will you be my wedding?

Girl: ha ha ha.

B0y: What's Laughing?

Girl:wr0ng gramming.